December 20, 2005
Judge rules for the Plaintiffs! Hallefuckinglujah! Personally, I didn't expect anything else, but good news is good news, no matter how well anticipated.
Screw you, Discovery Institute. Go peddle your pseudo-scientific nonsense somewhere else.
And if you do, we'll look forward to seeing you in court.
"Teach the controversy". Wow,was that invented by the poeple who coined "don't ask, don't tell"???
Well, I don't have a problem with "teaching controversy" but why start and stop there? Why not teach about other "controversial" things- like the legality of their war, what constitutes genocide, what constitutes a "civil right" nowadays.... yes, please also teach the controversy about teaching "values" HYPOTHETICALLY.
Now kids, do as I say, not as I do!
And by the way your grades and hard work to LEARN creationism OR evolution are a waste because we do not care what you know when you graduate- and the less you know about critical thinking, the better anyway! Better you think the GAP-dressed stork brought you from Wal-Mart in its Hummer.
Teach students that adults will flip out about where we came from, but don't give a SHIT about where civilization is going. That this world "created" has become the cesspool for humanity.
They 'respect' intelligent design but clearly feel that the design should be fucked with as much as possible! And ya gotta love a god that gave us plutonium...its like intelligent design includes a flea collar around the world....How about we teach IRONIC DESIGN????
Yes- I heard some bits and pieces about schools and that stance but have not gotten settled down to research this issue. I did hear an interview about raising money to offer support to private universities that will have anti-Darwin faculty. Thats the way these battles are fought, of course. They run their message campaign then raise money to infiltrate institutions of all sorts. They will knowingly go after the universities that need funding, and buy a way in for their ilk.
I have to get more up to speed on this- I read about the Dover case and others, but have not reviewed much as far as their 'strategy' beyond.
The Talk Origins Archive (on my blogroll) is my personal favorite as a resource. It is, however, a time consuming read. Tackle it on a morning where you've a fresh head, strong coffee, and enough patience not to want to reach through the screen and strangle people.
You raise a good point about a synopsis source though, so when I find more, I'll drop in a post about them.
And one can only speculate on how many 'biological' explanations are out there that they would have us suppress- everything from questioning monogamy to bisexuality... one of the most fascinating things I ever read was a book on the biology of babies and behavior- WHY they do what they do and the physiological bases. Few attempt such efforts on adult behavior! After all, what would happen if it was concluded- soundly- that there is a natural reason for adultery, or some other sin????
I lost you on that last sentence. Huh?
For what it's worth, sorry for the hassle. I know it's a pain, but the spam is worse. Ugh.
Delighted to see I'm not the only one advocating comparitive religion courses. You'd think that if the right had the sense of a melon, this is what they'd demand. It would enable them to slip their creationsim tales into the curriculum and with nary a peep of opposition. But of course, such advocacy would counter their true purpose - the indoctrination of our kids to Judeo Christian mythology to the exclusion of all else. They're no more interested in making sure Odin gets classroom exposure than they are in putting Vishnu on the currency.
What frustrates me most is that much of the general public still buys the BS that "ID isn't about religion". Yeah, ok. By the same standard, politics isn't about power either. /snort
This debate is yet another reason to be suspicious of Roberts and now, Meiers.
This President has lost the benefit of the doubt as far as I'm concerned, and it's all I can do not to assign nefarious intent to every area of ambiguity.
I also believe that the folks at Discovery Institute have planned their assault down to their closing arguments to SCOTUS. Dover is just the beginning.
To the extent that either Robert or Meiers are sympathetic with the ID movement, they have the potential to be the undoing of American science.
Wasn't that great?? I would have LOVED to see the expressions of the school board members in attendance.
This issue brings out the worst of pandering to political correctness in that too few people are willing to call these folks on their collective idiocy. I'm delighted that the prosecution witnesses have been as frank as they have.
I'll post transcript tidbits when they become available.
Thank you for the updates, I tend to vomit when I try to read this stuff for any length of time.
Figured you were following it despite the bipolar tendencies of this blog.
:::fires up disco ball:::
Let's go, baby
A few more years of Bush and there would be few judges left in our judicial system who are free from the wave of religiosity sweeping over our land. Sodden thought.
I don't know, but I think the fact that Bush still has supporters is all the evidence I need against "Intelligent design".
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