Saturday, August 20, 2005

Independent World Television

No corporate funding.
No government funding.
No advertising.

Serious news and full-spectrum debate -- on which democracy depends -- are disappearing from television. Across the globe, news media are concentrated in the hands of a few entertainment conglomerates whose interests determine news coverage. They promote superficial "infotainment" over tough investigation, context and holding authority accountable. Public broadcasters face shrinking budgets and growing political and commercial pressures.

We need a news and current affairs network that defends the public interest and the highest standards of journalism. Independent World Television will be such a network, a non-profit broadcast service financed by viewers across the globe -- independent of corporate or government funding and commercial advertising.

Now THIS looks promising. Pay them a visit and sign up!

Why is [joining the email list] so important to IWT right now?

1) Building an online movement is the key to building IWT. Email subscribers form the backbone of our online community. It's the communications lifeline that connects our international supporters.

2) A growing list is proof of widespread support. Contributions and email sign-ups provide some of our best proof to potential carriers, regulators, funders, and new supporters that there really is widespread international support for Independent World Television.

3) Timing. A few well-timed emails will allow IWT to co-ordinate efforts and supporters in our upcoming international public campaign -- providing a big worldwide "push" that helps propel the network on air!

So go ahead! It's easy. And we won't send you any junk. Just an occasional update when we have something genuinely important to tell you about.

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